Corporate Sound Bath Sessions

Looking to bring more mindfulness to your company? Want to share the power of meditation with your team? We’d love to share sound healing with you and your company or organization.

A corporate sound bath session is a great event to offer your teams. No doubt your corporate wellness department is recognizing the shift that’s taking place for everyone by heading back to the office or just ramping up business in general. Why not take some time for everyone to decompress?

We’re offering both live and virtual sound bath sessions. And, if you are having a live event but some of your team members are in other locations, why not offer them the virtual experience as well?

A sound bath is one of the most relaxing experiences you can give yourself. It is an effective form of deep rest and rejuvenation for your physical body & your mind. Just 30 minutes of rest and meditation in a sound bath is equivalent to 2 hours of deep sleep.

Contact to find out how you can bring sound healing to your company!